Can’t believe we’re three months in and I still miss him like crazy. To be honest, I knew I’d miss him just not as bad as I do. However, the daily video chats and messages help make things easier. Maybe, just maybe the issue with adjusting to him being gone isn’t him no longer being at home, maybe it’s knowing that things like learning the Italian language, settling into school, and making friends hasn’t been the easiest for him and my having to accept the fact that there is nothing I can do to make it better for him is killing me.
I’ve always stood by my children and provided words of encouragement, prayer, and support, but not physically being able to love on them through the tough times simply breaks my heart. So, I guess I’ll have to adjust to the reality that I won’t always be there to kiss their cheeks, give mommy hugs, and wipe their tears away and find solace in the fact that maybe my words, prayers, and they’re knowing how much I love them can ease the pain and hurt just as well.
Another month down, another lesson learned, and another month survived on this journey to my “new normal.”