
No is a Powerful Sentence!

Take a moment to think for a bit. How many times have you been exhausted or just mentally drained, but someone asks you to do something and without hesitation, you agree and say okay, I’ll do it. But, you do so knowing full well you didn’t want to do whatever it was in the first place, however out of obligation or the fear of coming off mean you say, “Yes.”

Now, I know I’m not the only one who has repeatedly done this and regretted my answer as soon as it left my mouth. So, be honest with yourself…does this sound like you? If so, there’s a simple solution for this. It’s called learning to say, “No!” That’s right, “No,” one of the shortest, most powerful sentences you’ll ever use.

You’ll be surprised at how your life can change, just by adding “no” to your arsenal. It will free up time you never realized existed. Which gives you the ability to work on your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Not to mention give you time to pursue the things that bring you joy. Imagine what it would be like to have time to simply relax and breathe. Tempting isn’t it?

For this to work, you have to find a way to deal with the initial sense of guilt that you may feel. So, I’m going to share with you 3 reasons why it’s perfectly okay to say “no” and be okay with it.

Those 3 reasons are:

  1. You aren’t meant to be everything to everyone, you are only one person.
  2. If you continue to run and do for others without taking the time to replenish yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically then you will be too exhausted and run down to show up for yourself. And lastly…
  3. Saying “no” and setting boundaries is a good way to create a healthy balance, where you can also make yourself a priority.

I get that it may not be easy at first, but trust me you’ll be glad that you did. You may even ask yourself why you didn’t do it sooner.

Check-in with me and let me know how it goes!

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