Marriage, Parenting, Self-Discovery

“New Normal…What’s That?” Month 1

It’s been a whole month. Yep, 30 long days since Terrell left to live his dream in Italy as an exchange student and I feel like a part of me has somehow died. Yes, I know it sounds extreme, but when all you’ve known for the past 25 years is a house full of chaos, laughter, and the routine “he/she is bothering me,” that kids seem to sing on a regular then out of nowhere all you have is silence, it can be a bit overwhelming and downright scary.

Sure, we all imagine what life will be like when our kids leave home. Some of us get so excited about the new sense of freedom it’ll bring but never consider the sense of loneliness and loss we may feel when we’re forced to find our “new normal?”

For me, I’m nowhere near finding mine just yet. To be honest, I’m not sure how long it’ll be before I am. But, I’m learning to take it one day at a time.

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